Artist Bryan Hitch On The Variant Cover To Earth 2 #1

Today DC Comics released the variant cover EARTH 2 #1 by artist Bryan Hitch . Bryan Hitch talked a little about his work , as well as complimenting Jim Lee’s new design on the costumes and how much fun he had working on this project .

Bryan Hitch : “If there’s one thing my adult pro self wanted out of DC COMICS-THE NEW 52, it was a return to the days of Infinite Earths. And it starts here. Jim designed the coolest costumes and it was a hoot of a sandbox to play in for a few hours. They are still Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, though, but that was always the fun, wasn’t it? The same but different. My eight-year son got a real kick out of me drawing this, just like my eight-year old self would have!”

           (EARTH 2 #1 variant cover by Bryan Hitch)

I’m not a fan of the Multiverse . I was kind of hoping when The New 52 came out the confusion of this Multiverse thing would stop . I starting to wonder if  DC is going to hurt itself by doing this but I could be wrong . The art work looks good lol . Anyone have any thoughts on this cover or like the idea of having the Multiverse back again ?

Source – DC Comics

– Adam

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