Possible Directors For Reboot After The Dark Knight Rises ?

Only thirteen weeks away from the highly anticipated release of The Dark Knight Rises an already fans and other fan web sites including our selves have been talking about who they think would be a good director to replace Christopher Nolan . I do know that Warner Bros.  is already looking at options but won’t let the fans know anything and for good reason . Forbes Magazine today did an in depth look into directors , and who they thought might be worthy for the chance to take the wheel . Here are a few they talked about:

Ben Affleck

Duncan Jones

Nicolas Winding Refn

Guy Ritchie

David Yates

Neill Blomkamp

Zack Snyder


An many many more . For the whole story on who might be the next good idea for a director for the Batman franchise go to Forbes Magazine.


Source – Forbes Magazine

– Adam



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