Before Batman became The Dark Knight, there was the Bright Knight. Well…the light hearted version of Batman doing the groovy 60’s Bat-dance, Adam West. Our beloved Adam West who is plays an animated version of himself on Family Guy, talks with IGN about Christopher’s Nolan and rumored cameo on The Dark Knight Rises: 

IGN : One of the many rumors circling Nolan’s final Batman film, is that he might be inclined to knock off The Dark Knight for good.

West: To me, it’s an interesting idea because Batman – the character, the legend, the extension of it over all these years – it lends itself to different machinations, layers, different time zones – anything. You could really pretty much mold Batman. He’s malleable, welcome and always interesting.

Batman is just a vastly layered character, which makes him so easily adaptable. Of course, when one says adaptable we do mean his total bad ass skills to any situation. We do not mean his ability to groove dance, say funky lines, or wear nipples on his suit. NOPE! Anyway, West’s rumored cameo is just a rumor as he verifies this:

West: [laughing] I’d love to play Batman, and come in one night, flying in through the library window on the wings of a bat, or something. Right when Batman is totally overwhelmed with terrible things happening in Gotham City, and give him some advice. Either as real character or fantasy character – whatever. [joking] As mentioned earlier, Batman lends itself to all kinds of different story lines.

It would be cool to hear Adam West use his smooth voice on screen. I would not object to him being the grandfather of Bruce Wayne on screen. However, in the Nolan Universe IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN! West would be a nice voice of reason to hear in order to uplift yourself from the DESTRUCTION OF BANE.

Source- IGN via Comic Book Movie 



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