Hey Kristina!

Check it out, here are the latest t-shirts entries for The Dark Knight Rises t-shirt contest. From what I have seen there are tons of entries from all over the world even from our nation’s cousin, Canada. GO CANADA! You Free Liter Earth Saving Lovable Country! My heart goes out to them because they are everything we as nation should be. Shame on us for not getting a clue to start becoming eco-friendly back then. Anyway! I am posting up some of the entry t-shirt that I found totally awesome from Comic Book Movie  and I will also be posting up other awesome t-shirts on the site’s Facebook.

Comment below if you could be Nolan and choose a t-shirt which would you choose? Visit the site’s Facebook to share comments on other t-shirts on Design By Humans.

Source- Design by Humans via Comic Book Movie 





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