Review: Justice Society of America: Ragnarok #3

“Ragnarok”-Part 3
Writer: Jeff Lemire
Artists: Diego Olortegui
Color Artist: Luis Guerrero
Letterer: Steve Wands
Review by Kendra Smart

Justice Society of America: Ragnarok #3 is out this week and with an astounding main cover to boot! Cully Hamner reminds readers instantly of the peril that awaits Carter Hall with his sacrificial pyre cover. Hawkman is most certainly one of the focal points for this issue, but almost every member of the team gets affected. No one is leaving Ragnarok unscathed and Jeff Lemire is doing an amazing job of creating that tension as Diego, Luis, and Steve serve intensity up for the eyes.

When last we left things in Justice Society of America: Ragnarok #2, Hawkman had been captured, the Injustice Society had made their way into the safe haven that Khalid had struggled to get the team members to, and the rest of the team are still at odds. Let’s find out what Justice Society of America: Ragnarok #3 has in store!

We Can’t Lose You Too.

As Justice Society of America: Ragnarok #3 opens, Carter finds himself surrounded by those only wishing for his unending suffering. Meanwhile, those members of the league trapped with Khalid face down the members of the Injustice Society. Jay Garrick does his best to talk to Ruby and Grundy but it is falling on deaf ears. Meanwhile, Doc Mid-Nite has made some massive progress to Jakeem’s still comatose condition. But the progress may be more than the good doctor bargained for.

Kendra makes a choice to separate from the team and help Carter, but as Wotan has entered into his part of the puzzle, there is a lot on the line. Eternity, for example. Keystone members of the Justice Society of America are sharing their experience and wisdom with the younger members. A war is waging, one in which the utter destruction of the Justice Society is the end game.

Not Real Power.

Justice Society of America: Ragnarok #3 delivers the true cornerstones of the Society. You see the soul of what the dream they want fruition for the JSA to be in the hearts of the members. Jeff Lemire does a stunning job of narrating these characters using their voices. The depiction is a testament to the power of written word and art when they coincide with creating wonderment. Creating historic moments that will play parts in core moments for these characters.

Watching Sand and Jade struggle with duty and potential love during dire chaos. Seeing Ted Grant be the amazing rock of strength, a great man being the mentor needed in the middle of the storm. Watching the emotions play across Carter’s face as Wotan taunts him, with a veritable threat. These moments become immersive, something great comic series have the ability to do. This team has been doing so flawlessly.


There is a lot of information and momentum forward as hands are shown in what seems like the beginning of the assault. Justice Society of America: Ragnarok #3 is setting the stage for some interesting times coming for the JSA, we will see what unfolds next time!

Images Provided Courtesy of DC Entertainment.




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