Review: Detective Comics #1092

“Mercy Of The Father” Part Three
Writers: Tom Taylor
Artist: Mikel Janin
Letterers: Wes Abbott
Review by James Attias

Detective Comics #1092 takes us deeper into this ‘Too good to be true’ offer The Dark Knight received. Is this Old Bat falling for a new trick, or is it something more… Let’s jump in.




If you’ve read any of my reviews in the past, I don’t shy away from the fact I love the work and writing style of Tom Taylor. This book is well written, this story is a great mystery, the dynamic between the Dynamic Duo is wonderful… The strangest thing of all, it really feels like Tom Taylor is stretching his creative muscles. Doesn’t feel like Taylor. I’m not saying this in a bad way, I’m pleased that Tom Taylor hasn’t fallen for the MCU trope – “joke, joke, joke, serious moment? Nope, joke.” Taylor has shifted his writing style for the characters. Which I love. And I can’t wait to see how it develops.
The story itself is a rewarding read. We see Bruce and Damian sparring, and battling side by side. We also see Batman allowing Robin to beat down on criminals as an outlet for his rage. This was the very reason Batman first took a Robin. Was great to see it done so well.

Old Family Friend

Ever Since Scarlett Scott arrived on the scene, as a knockout, pink haired, business woman, who has history with Bruce and can kick butt in and out of the boardroom. I think we all know that Bruce would not be able to keep it in his Bat-Pants. This issue see’s their ‘friendship’ intensify, but are we falling into the Scooby-Doo trap? The only other new character around… and the villain is strangely related to her company, with a woman’s build. Let’s hope the writing can save us from a mystery too easy to solve?


Detective Comics #1092 is a wonderful step further into the mystery. But will Batman and Robin be able to crack the case, before it cracks them?! Find out next time, same Bat-Reviewer, same Bat-Site! 

Review Written to Honor Steve J Ray – May he Rest in Peace.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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